what is selvage in sewing

Unraveling The Mysteries Of Selvage In Sewing

If you are a passionate seamstress, chances are you’ve heard of the term “selvage” before. But what is selvage in sewing, and how can it help you create beautiful projects? It’s time to unravel all the mysteries that surround this subject! Selvage is the stable or finished edges of a fabric lengthwise, preventing raveling or fraying while it finishes a project quite elegantly. In this article, we will explore why understanding selvage is essential for any avid sewer and offer tips on incorporating them into your creations. Fasten your seatbelts and get ready for an exciting journey - let's begin exploring what selvage can do for you!

What Is Selvage In Sewing

Selvage is a technique used in sewing to create a tightly woven edge along the sides of a piece of fabric. Often referred to as selvage edges, the selvaged fabric is made using the weft threads, which have been tightly woven together so that they do not fray when cut or sewn. Utilizing selvage will also ensure that your fabric lays flat, prevents fraying, and gives your completed project a professional edge and look. As with all techniques, it's essential to practice selvage on different types of fabrics to perfect the method. Once mastered, selvage can become an important part of any sewing project!

The Advantages Of Sewing With Selvage

Here are just a few of the advantages that you'll gain by using selvage while sewing:

Quality Fabric

Sewing with selvage fabric offers a variety of benefits for sewing projects. Not only is the quality of the fabric superior but there are also practical advantages that make its use preferred over other fabrics. For starters, fabric selvage edges offer greater stability and reduce fraying due to their extra layers.

This makes it easier to sew accurate pieces because the seams are more secure. Additionally, woven fabrics can be cut along the bias for increased flexibility and stretchability when needed, such as in clothing or draperies. Using fabric selvage has advantages over regular fabrics, making it an ideal choice for many types of needlework creations.

More Durable

what is selvage in sewing

Sewing with fabric's selvage edge offers several advantages over a plain woven fabric. Not only is it more durable, thus making your garments longer lasting, but the fabric bias gives it added strength and resistance to tearing or wearing out quickly.

Quilting fabrics are also often made with selvage fabric, making them suitable for making multiple quilts at once because the fabric won't fray easily along the edges. Finally, fabric grain runs in one direction giving your sewn garments a smooth finish that other fabric types may not provide. Sewing with fabric's selvage edge has several advantages, making it a great choice when creating garments and quilts that will last long-term.

Unique Patterns

Sewing with selvage fabric brings many advantages, primarily due to its unique quilting fabric. Selvage fabrics are created through a weaving process, which is one of the reasons why their patterns are so distinct compared to the rest of the fabric used for quilting. By utilizing selvage strips in your quilting projects, you can create one-of-a-kind garments with patterns that no one else will ever have. Not only will this make your quilts more exciting and eye-catching, but it will also make them stand out from the crowd.

Better Quality Stitches

Sewing with selvage has several advantages, one of which is the quality of your stitches! Selvage fabrics are warp threads (colored dots down one side) that sit densely woven together, allowing you to use more fabric in each stitch. This also creates a finished edge, meaning less time spent finishing your sewing project. All these combined results in higher quality stitches which are neater and firmer -- perfect for those professional edges or statement pieces.

How To Sew With Selvage

what is selvage in sewing

Sewing with selvage may seem daunting, but it is quite easy if you take the time to prepare your fabric properly. Before starting any project, be sure to pre-wash and iron your fabric to remove any unwanted creases or knots.

With the fabric now even and flat, cut away the raised edges of the selvage using pinking shears, as this will help ensure that any fraying is kept to a minimum. Once these steps have been completed, you can simply begin stitching along the selvage to create seams without having to worry about unraveling or fraying. With proper care and preparation, sewing with selvage can be an enjoyable and rewarding experience!

Tips For Working With Selvage Fabric

Know What You Have

The first step in working with selvage fabric is to know what you have. Selvage fabric is the edge of the fabric that is usually discarded when the fabric is cut from the bolt. However, selvage fabric can be used to create various projects.

Pre-wash Your Fabric

Before you begin working with your selvage fabric, it is important to pre-wash it. This will help to remove any chemicals or finishes that may be on the fabric, and will also help to shrink the fabric so that it does not distort your project.

Cut Carefully

When cutting selvage fabric, it is important to take your time and cut carefully. This type of fabric can be delicate, so you want to make sure that you do not damage it as you are cutting it.

Use A Serger

If you have a serger, you can use it to finish the edges of your selvage fabric. This will help prevent the fabric from fraying and give your project a professional finish.

Be Creative!

Unleash your creativity with selvage fabric! With countless ways to utilize the fabric, you can explore various techniques and discover unique projects. Have some fun and see what inspiring ideas come from it!

Final Thoughts

Selvage may seem like a small detail, but it can make a big difference in your sewing projects. By taking the time to understand selvage and how to use it, you can add professional touches to your handiwork that will impress. Do you have any tips for working with selvage?