How to sew sweatpants fabric

Sewing 101: A Step-by-Step Guide to Making Your Own Sweatpants

For all the people out there who are looking to add a bit of handmade flair to their wardrobe, learning how to sew sweatpants can be a great place to start. Not only will you gain new skills in this creative pursuit, but you’ll also have something you can style for any casual occasion. 

This article will walk through all the steps from choosing fabric and thread, constructing the pants, and adding fun details like drawstrings or pockets, so by the time you finish reading these instructions, you’ll have made an impressive piece of clothing!

What Kind Of Fabric Are Sweatpants Made Of?

Sweatpants are usually made of cotton blends, such as a mix of polyester and cotton. The fabric is soft and comfortable against the skin while still durable enough to withstand regular wear and tear. Cotton blends also hold up well to laundering without fading or shrinking. Additionally, some sweatpants may contain spandex for added stretch and flexibility. 

To ensure optimal comfort, look for sweatpants with a high percentage of natural fibers like cotton or bamboo. Comfy sweatpants can also be made from fleece, which offers warmth and breathability. Sweatshirt fleece is a great choice for making cozy lounge pants, while lightweight French terry makes an excellent fabric for athleisure wear. Lastly, recycled sweat is becoming increasingly popular due to its environmental benefits. It’s also breathable and machine washable, making it an excellent option for many activities.  

Regardless of the type of fabric you choose, sweatpants are sure to become your new favorite clothing item. They offer comfort and style when you want to look good but feel cozy.

How To Sew Sweatpants?

Sweatpants are versatile, comfortable pieces of clothing and can be made from many different materials. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced sewer, it’s easy to sew sweatpants with the right tools and supplies.

Here are the steps to create your own DIY sweatpants pattern:

Step 1

Gather the materials you will need for your sweatpants. To begin sewing your own sweatpants, gather the following materials:

- High-quality fabric (a medium-weight knit fabric will work best, such as a cotton/spandex blend)

- Matching thread

- Sewing machine

- Measuring tape 

- Tailor’s chalk or fabric pen

- Pattern paper or tracing wheel (optional)

- Fabric scissors

- Seam ripper (for undoing mistakes)

Step 2

Lay the pattern pieces on top of your sweatpants to determine where to cut. Make sure all pattern pieces line up with one another and safety pin them in place so they won’t move during cutting.  Cut out all pattern pieces from the fabric using sharp scissors. Pocket, leg, waistband, and bottom pieces can be cut in the same fabric or any other coordinating fabric.

Step 3

Sew all curved raw edges and side inner seams before hemming the bottom of the pants. Start by pinning two curved edges at each end and sew along it, then do the same for each side seam.

Step 4

Hem, the bottom of the sweatpants. To do this, you should fold the fabric up twice by 1/4” and sew along the folded edge of the folded fabric. Seam allowance should be 1/4”. Stretch stitch around each leg opening to keep the fabric in place during wear.

Step 5

Sew on an elastic waistband for your sweatpants. Start by cutting strips from a suitable knit fabric 2 inches wider than the circumference of your waist. Then pin the strips together and sew them to form a loop before attaching it to the top of your pants with pins or clips. Finally, sew around the entire length of your waistband, and voila!

How To Make A Pattern For Sweatpants?

Once your fabric, pattern, and supplies are ready, it's time to get started. 

First, measure the front and back legs of the person wearing the sweatpants. Make sure to measure from the top of their hip to the bottom of their ankle. This ensures that the finished garment will fit properly.

Next, use a ruler or measuring tape to draw two lines about 1 inch apart on either side of each leg measurement. This will be used later as a reference for making your pattern pieces. Free pattern pieces can be found online, or you can create your own custom pattern to fit the specific measurements of the person wearing the sweatpants.

How to sew sweatpants pattern

After that, it’s time to make your actual pattern pieces. Depending on how much detail you would like in your sweatpants design, you can use pattern-making software or draw them out by hand. If you choose the latter, make sure to make all your pieces on tracing paper so they can be easily adjusted and traced onto the fabric later.

Tips And Tricks For Sewing Sweatpants

Here are some tips and tricks to help you get the perfect fit when you sew sweatpants:

1. Use Durable Fabrics

Sweatpants are made to be worn and washed regularly, so make sure you use sturdy materials when sewing them. Look for cotton/spandex blends, French terry, or fleece that will hold up to wear and tear.

2. Choose The Right Size

Choosing a pattern (or making your own) that fits your body type correctly is essential. Measure yourself properly before selecting a pattern or fabric, and leave some extra room in the waistband if you plan on adding an elastic band.

3. Topstitch With Care

To get clean straight lines while topstitching around the waistband and pockets, it helps to use a walking foot on your sewing machine. This type of foot helps the seam stay even while you’re stitching, preventing puckering and other irregularities.

4. Use Extra Fusible Interfacing

For professional-looking finishes on your waistband and pockets, it’s best to use a layer of light or medium-weight fusible interfacing underneath them. This will give them more structure and help keep their shape over time.

5. Reinforce The Hems

Adding an extra reinforcement layer at the leg openings, ankles, and hemline is essential to ensure that the seams don't break after multiple cycles in the washing machine. Use double-folded bias tape or ribbing for these areas to make them extra strong.

6. Use A Zigzag Stitch For Elastic

When attaching an elastic waistband, use a wide and short zigzag stitch to ensure it stays secure. This type of stitch will allow the elastic to stretch and move with the garment while still holding it in.

Final Words

Creating your own sweatpants is a fun and rewarding activity. Whether you’re making them for yourself or someone else, the sewing process will give you an appreciation for how much effort goes into making clothing from scratch. With the steps outlined in this article and some high-quality cotton fabric from YourCotton, we hope you’ll be inspired to make something unique and stylish for your wardrobe!