does cotton shrink in the wash

How to Avoid Shrinkage When Washing Cotton Clothing

Cotton clothing is a wardrobe staple for many people — it's comfortable, breathable, casual, and versatile. But when it comes to washing cotton garments, a few things are more frustrating than dealing with shrinkage! While it can be hard to avoid the dreaded "cotton shrinks" after a standard laundry cycle or two, there are clever ways to ensure your cotton clothes maintain their original size and shape while keeping them looking fresh and fabulous. In this article, we'll discuss simple steps you can take at home to make sure you don't struggle with shrinkage in the future!

Does Cotton Shrink in the Wash?

Cotton fabrics are unique in the way they react to wash cycles, as cotton garments naturally shrink when exposed to water. Therefore, cotton shirts and cotton clothing may shrink if they are not washed properly or air-dried instead of using a tumble dryer. 

If cotton items are washed on a hot cycle, this can cause some unintended shrinkage, whereas colder temperatures may reduce the amount of shrinking cotton undergoes. Ultimately, cotton fabric is known to shrink in the wash and it’s best to consult the care instructions on cotton garments before attempting to clean them.

How to Prevent Cotton Clothes From Shrinking

Cotton garments shrink as part of their natural process, which is why cotton manufacturers pre-shrink cotton clothing so that you don't have to. Pre-shrinking cotton clothing allows the shopper to be reassured that the cotton shirt they purchased will fit after more than just one wear (and wash).

While pre-shrunk cotton items can still shrink clothes slightly between 2% and 5%, it tends to be far less than cotton garments that are not pre-shrunk. To find out whether a cotton garment has been pre-shrunk, check the care label instructions. If it doesn't say that the garment is pre-shrunk, then expect some additional shrinkage when laundering.


When it comes to cotton clothing, hand-washing is the best way to keep them in optimal condition. Not only will this save energy compared to a machine wash, but cotton has a tendency to suffer from shrinkage when washed and dried, which will be avoided by using a gentle detergent and cool water. 

A five-minute soak should be sufficient for most items of cotton clothing, with up to thirty minutes recommended for more stubborn stains. Don't forget — rinsing is important too. Make sure you thoroughly rinse all your clothes off until the water runs clear! Following these simple steps will ensure your cotton garments remain comfortable and undamaged with each washing and drying process.

Using a Washing Machine

does cotton shrink in the wash

Using a washing machine for your clothes is a great way to save time and prevent them from shrinking. To get a delicate wash that won't damage your cotton, look for a cycle on the dial specifically marked "delicate" or use cold water instead of hot. Not only will this help stop the fabric from shrinking, but it will also reduce the risk of pilling or other imperfections caused by too much friction and agitation while washing. Doing this can extend the life of your favorite clothing items so they are looking good even after multiple washes!


Air-drying is essential for keeping your cotton clothes in their best shape. If you're looking to air dry your garments, you can use a clothes rack or a clothesline and take advantage of indirect sunlight.

A hot, humid environment, such as in the dryer, will shrink cotton material much more than air drying ever could. Air drying outside is also beneficial because the air will help freshen up clothing while making it softer at the same time. Cotton shirts are especially prone to shrinking, so be sure to air-dry all of your cotton garments!

How Much do Cotton Clothes Shrink?

Cotton is a popular fabric choice for clothing and other items; however, cotton tends to shrink due to high temperatures or hot water when machine-washed. It's important to be aware of cotton shrinkage if you want your clothes to stay their original size since cotton items that aren’t pre-shrunk can end up shrinking anywhere from 5% to 10%.

If you come across cotton items that have been pre-shrunk, you'll likely experience a more subtle amount of shrinkage: roughly between 2% and 5%. The good news is cotton items labeled as pre-shrunk are often found nowadays, so shoppers don't have to worry about their clothes shrinking considerably with the first wear.

Caring for Cotton

If you’re tired of cotton fabric shrinking after only one wash, there’s hope! By taking a few extra steps when washing your garments, cotton clothes can be saved.

Before purchasing cotton-fabric items, it’s important to read the label carefully and ensure that what you’re purchasing is indeed cotton. When it comes time to wash your clothing, make sure you turn down the temperature setting on your washer dial, opting for cold water washes instead of hot.

Additionally, don’t forget to turn cotton articles inside out before washing. This will help reduce color fading. While cotton may shrink more than synthetic fibers, it’s one of the most conveniently washable fabrics and therefore can easily be maintained by following these simple steps.

Can You Reverse Cotton Shrinkage?

does cotton shrink in the wash

Although cotton fabrics are known for their durability and long-term wearability, cotton clothes can still shrink over time if proper care isn’t taken when washing them. Cotton clothes must be treated differently than other fabrics to prevent shrinking after laundering, as cotton loses its flexibility over time. Fortunately, cotton shrinkage is reversible with a few simple steps.

The first step is to wash the clothes in cold water, either by hand or in the washing machine. Make sure to avoid hot water and bleach! These components break down cotton fibers and draw out moisture, which leads to more dramatic clothing shrinkage. Tightly knit cotton items, such as sweaters and T-shirts, may also benefit from air drying rather than being machine-dried on a hot cycle.

Lastly, if you discover that the cotton clothing has already shrunken too much, then simply stretch it back out while wet or steam-iron it to move it back into shape.

Final Thoughts

When it comes to washing your cotton clothing, following these tips should help avoid any unwanted shrinkage. Be sure to read the care labels on your garments before laundering them and take extra care when washed in hot water or put in the dryer.

With a little bit of knowledge and effort, you can keep your clothes looking brand new. Do you have any other tips for avoiding shrinkage? Let us know in the comments below.